Program Training

Program Training tersebut dilaksanakan baik secara online (public training) maupun in-house training diperusahaan Bapak/Ibu yang bisa juga dilakukan dengan cara daring atau offline 0811-1439-980 (Marketing) untuk mendiskusikan program pelatihan tersebut.

Ratama Management Strategy (RMS)

Ratama ISO Series & Others Management System (RIS)

  1. Quality Management System

    1. Awereness and Interpretation ISO 9001:2015.
    2. Documented information for QMS ISO 9001:2015.
    3. Risk based thinking (org. context, need & expectation, RIRADC).
    4. FMEA – AIAG VDA & Control Plan.
    5. Internal Audit ISO 9001 based on ISO 19011:2018.
  2. Occupational Health System (OHS)

    1. Awereness and Interpretation ISO 45001:2018.
    2. Documented information for QMS ISO 45001:2018.
    3. Risk Based Thinking & Penilaian Peluang K3.
    4. HIRADC dan Hirarki Pengendalian Risiko K3.
    5. Internal Audit ISO 45001 based on ISO 19011:2018.
    6. KYT (Kiken Yochi Training).
    7. Incident Investigation.
  3. Environmental Management System

    1. Awereness and Interpretation ISO 14001:2015.
    2. Documented information for QMS ISO 14001:2015.
    3. Risk Based Thinking (org. context, need & expectation, RIRADC).
    4. Life Cycle Presfective dan Identifikasi Aspect & Dampak Lingkungan.
    5. Internal Audit ISO 14001 based on ISO 19011:2018.
  4. Automotive and others

    1. Awereness and Interpretation IATF 16949:2016.
    2. Documented information for IATF 16949:2016.
    3. Risk based thinking (org. Context, Need & Expectation, RIRADC).
    4. APQP dan PPAP.
    5. SPC – Statistical Process Control.
    6. MSA – Measurement System Analysis.
    7. TPM (Total Productive Maintenance).
    8. COPQ (Cost of Poor Quality).
    9. Internal Audit IATF 16949 basen on ISO 19011:2018.
    10. Problems Solving and Decision Making.
    11. Calibration Management System, termasuk interprestasi sertifikat kalibrasi dan workshop kalibrasi dimensi.
  5. Others ISO standard

    1. Awareness and Interpretation ISO 37001:2016.
    2. Documented Information for ISO 37001:2016.
    3. Risk based thinking ISO 37001 (org. context, need & expectation, BRIRADC).

Ratama Productivity Improvement (RPI)

  • RCA (Root Cause Analysis).
  • Kaizen.
  • QCC with 8 Steps.
  • 7 QC Tools.
  • Increase Productivity with Autonomous Maintenance.
  • Improve Company Performance by Reducing Six Big Losses.
  • Lean Manufacturing.
  • Total Quality Management (TQM).
  • 5S + 3T.

Ratama Human Capital (RHC)

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